Welcome to Puttin’ On the Dance!

January 2025 POTD* Update:

YES! It’s time for another Puttin’ On the Dance conference for dance organizers!

As you’ll read on the POTD-3: Dancing Forward Together page, we’re planning the program and fine-tuning the logistics. Our venue setting is gorgeous, the conference is all-inclusive (2 dances, meals, snacks, and 2 nights oceanfront accommodation) and we are eager to gather with a whole bunch of folks who are passionate about organizing dances in their communities.

The conference will be full of opportunities to learn, rejuvenate, share, connect, and dance!

Save the dates:

Friday, May 2 – Sunday, May 4, 2025 in Belfast, Maine. Registration opens March 1, 2025. Hurrah!

Watch this page for updates, and start planning ways to fund your attendance!

To join our mailing list and get updates directly, email . See you in Midcoast Maine when the serviceberry starts to bloom!

Your POTD3 Organizing Team,

*Puttin’ on the Dance (POTD) convenes dance organizers from across the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada who produce dance events in various North American and British Isles social dance traditions (e.g., barn, Cape Breton, community, contra, English, family, Irish, Quebecois, Scottish, and square). The objective of this weekend event is to provide resources and opportunities for learning, sharing, renewal, and fun!  This will strengthen networks for sustaining dance organizers, who in turn sustain important traditions of participatory social dance throughout our region.

Site design by EHW Design. Artwork by Toki Oshima. Site version 2025-01-24.