POTD2 Archive

Happy dance organizers!

POTD2: Hands Across the Border Conference – March 20-22, 2015 in Ottawa, Ontario

Thanks to all who came to Puttin’ On The Dance 2 and made it such a success!

Thank you also to our sponsors who made the conference possible… The Country Dance and Song Society, The Old Sod Folk Music Society’s Ottawa Contra Dance, the New England Dancing Masters, the New England Folk Festival Association, the Down East Friends of the Folk Arts, and Country Dance Society Boston Centre!

Session archive:
Now available here!

Photo Gallery:
Enjoy hundreds of of POTD2 photos thanks to our photographers – Simon, Sharon and Ed!

This archive is offered as a resource for POTD2 conferees to either recall content of sessions they attended or get a sense of ones they missed.  We also hope folks who weren’t at the conference will be inspired by the juicy and useful info collected herein.  Enjoy the POTD2 Archive ~ and happy dance organizing!

What is available?
Each of the following session titles is linked to a summary of the session. These summaries were created thanks to the help of many conference attendees who volunteered to be our note-takers. In some cases session leaders also shared presentations and/or handouts, and links to these are provided as well.

Please feel free to use this material to support your own efforts as dance organizers, while respecting the intellectual property of our generous presenters.


Strand 1. STRENGTHENING OUR DANCE ORGANIZATIONS: Successful organizations keep seeking ways to stay fresh and relevant. Whether your dance is run by a board, committee, or just you, these sessions will provide support for building a strong infrastructure.

Strand 2. IMPROVING KEY ELEMENTS OF OUR DANCES: Here’s a variety of resources for working with callers, musicians, dancers and sound engineers to create thriving dances across the genres.

Strand 3. GROWING AND SUSTAINING A HEALTHY DANCE SERIES: Successful organizations don’t stand still! Here are valuable approaches and practical tools for expanding our outreach, finding new audiences, increasing our attenDANCE and more.


Whole Group Exercises from Plenary Sessions

airplane     airplanes-fly


Site design by EHW Design. Artwork by Toki Oshima. Site version 2025-01-24.