POTD2 Organizers

POTD2 was brought to you by an amazing group of dance organizers from throughout eastern Canada and the north-east US.

Our core team included: Emily Addison (chair and treasurer), Tara Bolker (publicity & communication), Danielle Boudreau (program chair), Catherine Burns (programming & food), Adina Gordon (programming), Linda Henry (programming), Nancy Turner (registrar).

Also on the organizing committee and doing incredible work: Andrew Clyde (transportation), Chrissy Fowler (advisor), David Smukler (archivist), Delia Clark (large group facilitator), Reta Troop (accommodation), Val Robb (food), and Roger Williams (volunteers).


These folks participated in a LOT of conference calls. 🙂 …  Looking a little tired after a long wonderful three days!



Site design by EHW Design. Artwork by Toki Oshima. Site version 2025-01-24.