Fund Your Attendance to POTD

Being at this conference is an investment in your dance’s future!

We believe that it is not the responsibility of individual organizers to personally fund their entire conference attendance. If you can and want to pay the fees out of pocket, to support your dance even more than you already do, that’s great! But for those who can’t, for whatever reasons, we encourage you to consider these ways of paying for the conference:

~ Include conference attendance in your dance’s overhead: If a monthly series kept a modest $15-25 from each dance’s admission income from now until the conference, there would be a hefty chunk of cash available to help fund the dance organizer’s participation in the conference. How? Add another line item to the overhead, taking out that amount from each gate (just as you would for hall rental, publicity/marketing costs, insurance/CDSS affiliation, sound provision, committee stipends, or other expenses.) Worried that this means less pay for performers? Consider that $5 apiece is a drop in the bucket. Also, most performers will appreciate that you are doing this for your series (and they may also acknowledge the long-term benefits for performers, financial or otherwise). Running out of time to save? Make a loan to your series. Pay for the conference out of pocket, divide that amount by 12, and the series can reimburse you over the course of the year by considering it a monthly expense of the dance overhead.

~ Raise admission by $1: Set aside all of that extra income for conference attendance. (As a bonus, once the conference fees are raised, the additional money in each dance’s income can support your dance in other ways.) Be sure to explain to your dancers that this tiny increase is important to support the dance.

~ Solicit contributions from your community: Let your dancers and performers know that you’re planning to give your organization a big boost by attending, and encourage them get invested in the process too. After all, your attendance will ultimately benefit them!

~ Get a grant: Seek out generous donors who would support your attendance, whether local community foundations or individuals.

~ Spread the word, cast a wide net: Let your broader local community know what you are planning and why. Point out the benefits to the locals of having a dance series in your area. Emphasize the positive attributes (intergenerational activity, living tradition, chem-free, live music, healthy exercise, community-building, etc.). Ordinary citizens who value your dance’s contributions to local society may even help get you to the conference!

~ Other? Tell us your own great ideas for paying for the conference, and we’ll add them to this page!

*Note for Canadian organizers – We’re aware that the exchange rate is not at all favorable for Canadians, and we’re keeping that in mind as we finalize the registration fees.

Site design by EHW Design. Artwork by Toki Oshima. Site version 2025-01-24.