The Puttin’ On the Dance committee runs on 100% volunteer energy!

Emily Addison


Emily Addison, committee chair, hails from Ottawa ON and has in her mission to make Ottawa more Vermont. What does that mean?  More contra dancing for one!  She enjoys a bit of calling, leads the local community band, but most of all loves organizing  and building heartfelt community that is so ingrained in contra.

Adina Gordon


Adina Gordon, programming, finds an outlet for her loves of travel, music, dance and silliness by calling and dancing contras, squares, and English country dance throughout the US and Canada, helping create joy and minor chaos wherever she goes. She tries to use her powers for good, not evil; likes to lend out her car to friends; and can raise each of her eyebrows independently. Adina sporadically resides in Burlington, VT.

Andrew Clyde, transportation, is a contra dancer and is on the executive as social convener for the Ottawa Contra Dance group.

Danielle Boudreau


Danielle Boudreau, programming, is a new contra dance caller currently based in Vermont. She loves partner dance, October in New England, and English breakfast tea.

Catherine Burns


Catherine Burns, programming and food, is a caller of contra and community dances in Ottawa, Ontario. She has been calling and organising dances for over 25 years and has enjoyed (almost) every minute of it.


Chrissy Fowler, advisor, is passionate about organizing and leading traditional New England style social dance. She helped put on the first Puttin’ On the Dance conference in 2011, and is honored to advise the POTD2 team. Chrissy co-founded her town’s monthly series – Belfast Flying Shoes; leads workshops on calling and organizing dances; is registrar for Star Hampshire; is a card-carrying fan of  DEFFA, CDSS, NEFFA, and LSF; is a self-employed educator & dance leader; and still rides the bike she bought in 1981.

David Smukler, POTD2 archivist, New York

Delia Clark, large group facilitator, Vermont



Linda Henry, CDSS staff organizer, first stepped into playing piano for contras at the original Old Farmers Ball near Asheville, NC in the early 80s. She also organized a local dance for several years until her love of contra dancing drew her to New England. In Northampton, MA she ran a family dance for five years, then realized that many families (including her own) were ready to graduate to contras. So she passed the torch and started a new series called the Fiddlers Green dance. She continues to play piano and especially enjoys creating a welcoming sit-in scene for musicians.

Beyond her local dance organizing efforts, Linda has also been on staff at the Country Dance and Song Societyfor 20+ years. In her current role as Outreach Manager she offers CDSS grants and scholarships,  and she helps conferences like POTD happen throughout the U.S. and Canada.



Nancy Turner, registration. At her first contra dance, Nancy smiled so much that her cheeks hurt. She has shared her enthusiasm for dancing through dance management and calling in Central Vermont. Currently, Nancy is on a committee tasked with preserving and improving a beloved Grange Hall as a venue for dancing and other community events.

Reta Troop, accommodation, Ontario

Tara Bolker, publicity and communication, calls English, contra, and community dances in southern Ontario. She has organized weekly and monthly dances, dance weekends, and special workshops for callers and musicians in New Jersey, Florida, and Ontario.

Val Robb, food, Ontario

Site design by EHW Design. Artwork by Toki Oshima. Site version 2025-01-24.