POTD2 draft schedule
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See session descriptions here
See Westboro restaurants near POTD2 for Saturday dinner sign-up
(schedule subject to revision) FRIDAY 5 p.m. Doors open, check-in begins! 5:30-6:30 Check-in and Buffet Dinner 6:45-7:45 Welcome and Kick-off all-conference session with Delia Clark 8-10:30 Puttin' On the Dance Dance! contra, square and English country dances
SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. Doors open, optional schmoozing 9-10:30 All-conference plenary session with Delia Clark 10:45-11:55 Morning sessions Behind the Scenes: Building constructive relations between performers and organizers with Adam Broome, Jaige Trudel and Adina Gordon Happy Boards and Committees with Stephen Gabe and Michael Kerman Engaging Families in Your (not necessarily 'Family') Dance with Chrissy Fowler 12 noon-1 p.m. Networking Lunch (provided) 1:15-2:25 Afternoon sessions, I Dance Weekend 101: Organizing a weekend dance event with Adam Broome and Jaige Trudel Beyond Publicity: Getting new dancers to come and come back with Tara Bolker and Emily Addison Sound Design for Social Dance with Greg Brown 2:40-3:50 Afternoon sessions, II Growing Local Talent with Luke Donforth and Cedar Stanistreet Navigating Transitions: From a “One-Person Show” to an Organizing Team with Linda Henry Beyond New Dancers: Upping your attendance by preaching to your converted with Emily Addison and Tara Bolker 4:04-5:15 Afternoon sessions, III Non-Profit Management with Rima Dael, Nancy Turner and Catherine Burns Welcoming Diverse Populations with Sophia Donforth and Julia Bennett Problem Dancers: Proactive management and response; creating safe dancing for all with Will Loving 5:15-7:50 Dinner at local restaurants 8-11 p.m. Ottawa Contra Dance with Genticorum, Chrissy Fowler and Catherine Burns Post-dance gathering at the Corner Bar and Grill across the street
SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. Doors open, optional schmoozing 9-10:10 Morning sessions, I Shoot for the Moon: Organizers' Role in Shaping the Future of Traditional Dance with Danielle Boudreau and David Millstone Creating a Happy, Healthy Volunteer Base with Tara Bolker and Maxine Louie Fundraising Strategies and Tips For Dance Organizations with Nancy Turner, Rima Dael and Patty Giavara 10:25-11:35 Morning sessions, II Hands Across the Border: Keeping the POTD connections going with Linda Henry Dance Finances 0 to 999 with Chris Deephouse and Catherine Burns Growing Younger: Engaging youth for a sustainable future with Danielle Boudreau and Abigail Hobart 11:50-1 p.m. All-conference plenary session with Delia Clark 1-2 p.m. Brown bag lunch and informal farewells